I Will Honour Christmas In My Heart

I will honour Christmas in my heart,
and try to keep it all the year.
I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future.
The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me.
I will not shut out the lessons that they teach!

~ Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Wanna See What I Bought on Rudolph's Day????

 It's Rudolph Day!!!  The 25th of every Month is Rudolph Day!!

I want to Thank everyone who visited and commented on my good friend Anne Marie's Home decorated for Christmas.....
If you missed it, please click HERE

And thanks to all who linked up to Fluster's Creative Muster's Linky party which I got to Co Host as a result of the Post on Anne Marie's Home decorated for Christmas being the Most Viewed from the previous week's party!!
Thanks so much , Robin!!

She even made me a Button for A Debbie-Dabble Christmas!! Check it out on my Side Bar!!!

I am half way through visiting all the participants of the party so please be patient with me and I will eventually get to visit all of your posts!!!!

If you missed the post on A Tour of Anne Marie Bedroom, Please click HERE

I was wondering what I would post about today on Rudolph Day....

I went to Michaels this morning , looking to see if anything was left from Christmas and specificly looking to see if they had did this yet or if I had missed it......
 Yep, you are seeing that right......

Grab Bags for $2.00!!!!

When seasonal decor does not sell at 90% off, they make up grab bags for $2.00 each to get rid of it.

I found this out last year after Valentine's Day when I bought several bags.......

I bought 6 bags for $2.00 each, spending $12.00 on the bags.

Now I knew that there was a lot of Kid's things in the bags but I figured that I would take my chances and give the Kids stuff to a Co Worker of mine who has 4 grandchildren.

 Her daughter has 3 of her own, adopted one that she fostered and currently is fostering another little girl and may be adopting her and her baby sister.  It takes a special type of person to do things like that. Plus she works for the local School District in the library. She has a Master's Degree in Library Science.

Bag # 1
 Definitely worth the $2.00.  I knew these were in that bag!!! LOL!

Bag # 2
 The Santa Kits will go to my Co Worker ......
 The cards and the clothes pins for Crafts were again, worth the $2.00!

Bag # 3
 I will be keeping these things......
 What the heck is a head massager???????
 I will be trying it on Joe!! LOL!

And this is a Bottle Cozy, perfect for my water bottle!

Bag # 4
 Pay dirt for $2.00!!!!!
 Florals I will use and the sticker books will go to the Kids......

Lots of things for crafting which I will keep some and the rest will go to the Kids.....
 Like those birdhouses which I will be keeping......
 The foam stockings and gingerbread man makes a great template for a pattern.....

Bag  # 5
 Now what the heck are the chances of me buying a Grab Bag containing a stocking with a D on it ??????

Get it...D for Debbie!!!

 Lots of goodies in that one too!!

And Bag # 6
More florals and a few craft kits for the Kids......
  All in all, I think I got my monies worth and I am sure that my Co Worker will be thrilled with the goodies that I will be bring her tonight for her grandchildren!!

I have been re-decorating the house for Winter and Valentine's Day.

I am still not finished but I have used some of the things that I bought after Christmas this year ....

If you missed my post over on my regular blog, Debbie-Dabble , on Embracing Winter in the Kitchen, please click HERE
 And also my post on Valentines in the Kitchen, please click HERE.

That about wraps up the Christmas Season here at A Debbie-Dabble Christmas.

I hope to post every Rudolph's Day during the year but I can't promise anything!!


I hope you will continue to Follow me and visit my regular Blog, Debbie-Dabble......

It was a great holiday season!! And I want to THANK YOU for spending the time that you did visiting me here!!

 I will be linking up to these great parties this week:
Seasonal Sunday
That DIY Party
Inspired Sunday( Formerly Vintage View Sunday)
Submarine Sunday
Share It One More Time Sundays
DIY SHowcase 
 Clever Chicks Blog Hop 
Sunday Showcase 

Wednesdays Make, Bake and Create party
 Fluster's Creative Muster Wednesday's
Wow Us Wednesday
Sizzle into Summer Party
 Lovely Ladies Linky Party
What's It Wednesday
Wonderful Wednesdays
 HOME Party on Wednesdays
 Wednesdays Adorned From Above Linky Party
Ducks in a Row Wonderful Wednesdays Blog Hop 
 Before and After Party
 Worthwhile Wednesdays 
 Wake Up Wednesdays

Home and Garden Party Thursday
  Homemaking Weekend Link Up Party
Time Travel Thursday
 Open House Party
Share Your Cup Thursday
Vintage Thingie Thursday
Inspired Creations Linky Party
Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop 
  Grace at Home Party
All Things Pretty Thursdays
 Create it Thursday 
 Catch a Glimpse Thursday
 Fabulously Frugal Thursdays
This and That Thursdays

Home Sweet Home Friday
Be Inspired Fridays
Thrifty Things Friday
Simple and Sweet Fridays
 Show and Tell Friday
Tickled Pink Party
 Flaunt It Fridays
 Fabulously Creative Friday Linky Party at Jennifer Rizzo's
 What To Do Weekends
 Eat. Create. Party
Inspire Me Please Weekend Blog Hop
 Inspire Me Fridays 
 Anything Goes Linky Party 
Ladies Only Blog Share Linky Party
The Party Bunch
Friday's Five Features Party
Friday Favorites
 Let's Get Real Friday Party
 Fridays Unfolded Linky Party 
  Feathered Nest Friday
 Fabulous Friday Link Party 

Please take some time to visit these terrific hosts and all those joining in on the fun!

Thanks so much for stopping by today and every day that you take the time to visit with me!


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Co Hosting Fluster's Creative Muster Linky Party!!

I'm so excited because my post, Anne Marie's Home Tour and 101 lb. Weight Loss,  is this week's feature on Fluster's Creative Muster Linky Party!!!

This post showcased my good friend Anne Marie's beautiful home decorated for Christmas and I also got to share with you her 101 pound Weight Loss in less than a year!!!   I still can not get over it!!

   This means I get to co-host the party this week!!! 

A Debbie-Dabble Christmas is my Christmas blog and my regular blog is Debbie-Dabble!

I hope you will stop by and visit both when time permits!!

Thanks, Robin, so much for this honor!!

She was even  kind enough to make me a Button for this Blog!!  Thank You!!

A Debbie-Dabble Christmas

It is the first time I am Co-Hosting a Party in 4 years of Blogging!!

Looking forward to visiting all the links.........


Creative Muster Linky Party #55
Linky Party

Linky Party
Linky Party

Last weeks most viewed link was a Home Tour & 101 lb. Weight Loss from A Debbie-Dabble Christmas. I'm always amazed by the transformation when someone has lost that much weight. I guess that's why Biggest Loser is such a hit. 

Linky Party
 By linking to this party you are giving Fluster Buster and co-hosts permission to use your images in featured links.

Linky Party

Linky Party

Linky Party

Fluster's Creative Muster - Linky Party #55

(Linkup closed)

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Anne Marie's Home Tour and Her 101 Pound Weight Loss!!!!

I know it is a little late but bad weather prevented us from visiting our good friends, Anne Marie and Tony the first weekend in Jan., so we made our Christmas visit last weekend.....

But first I need to say some Thank You's.....

Thanks to Kathryn, over at The Dedicated House for featuring my Post ,
Christmas in the Stores: Country Folk Store Tour, Part 2, from Jan. 5th's Anything Blue Party!!
Thanks so much , Kathryn!!

And I also want to Thank Sinea from over at Ducks 'N a Row, for featuring my post,
Wanna See What We Bought for Next Christmas and Other Holidays? from last week's
Wonderful Wednesday's Blog Hop!
Thanks so much , Sinea!

I also want to Thanks Kathy over at A Delightsome Life , for featuring my post.
Wanna See What We Bought for Christmas #2? from last week's Home and Garden Party!!
Thanks so much, Kathy!!

Please take some time to visit and link up to these great parties!!

Now back to my dear friend Anne Marie's (and Tony's too) home......

Anne Marie changes her Christmas Decor yearly  and at the end of this post, I will have links to what her home looked like over the last several years decorated for Christmas.

This year, she chose a Pink, White and Silver Color Theme for her Christmas decor.

This is the Front Door and Entryway......
Please take note of the walls......

If you have not seen Anne Marie's Home before, Tony painted the stripes on those walls!!

It is NOT wallpaper!!

On the side of the front door......
Now, this is actually a Sewing Machine that is closed to create a table........
This is what this area looked like last year........

And this year.......
A simple white Tree with nothing but pink birds on it placed in a suitcase painted pink!!
I love this idea and I think I will get out an old avocado green suitcase that I have wanted to to something with!!

View from the front door.......
Garland on the staircase......
Antique canes......
At the end of the hall way......
Sorry for the reflection in the glass on the picture.....
That is one big dome!!!
Can you believe it was only $30.00 ??????
The Santa was bought on Clearance at J.C. Penney's this year.....

Looking toward the Living Room.....
Anne Marie has many antiques and sterling silver pieces that she left out and simply  filled with ornaments or greenery.......
Notice the Santa's.....

A carriage on the side of the sofa table......
It is filled with hydrangea's from Anne Marie's garden.......
To the side of the front door......
Moving into the Living Room......
Looking down from the stairway.....
On the side of the Entertainment Center.....
The Entertainment Center....
Anne Marie left her collection of rose vases out this year.....
On the other side.....
This is what this corner looked like last year......
She opted not to put up her big tree this year.....
Such a sweet doll!
The Coffee Table......
And now we will go into the Dining Room......
Anne Marie created the stained glass effect on those windows using Gallery Glass!!
She collects Funeral baskets.....
The Mantle......
Love this beautiful Angel......
Anne Marie took the angel off the mantle to show me the Antique Mirror........
It was a gift from Tony and he is going to build it up a bit higher after Christmas......
 This is what her Mantle looked like last year and this is how she displayed her funeral baskets.....
I just LOVE this fireplace!!

The buffet.....
More of her baskets....
 The Spitoon is a new acquisition......
 This is what it looked like last year......
So sweet!!
The front ball on each side actually lights up but I could not capture it on camera.....
The Hutch.......
A Tree from the Martha Stewart Collection that was at J.C. Penney's this year.......

I bought 2 gold ones and a white one too!!

Looking into the Kitchen.....
The Table is always set in Anne Marie's house......

This year, her table's color scheme is Silver, Pink and White........
 This is what it looked like last year.......
She has many antique silver pieces......
The chargers are actually silver even though they look gold.....
This is also new.....
This lovely piece was only $30.00!!
And what a wonderful surprise to find this calling card inside of it!!
To the side of the Hutch.....
The desk in the corner of the Kitchen.....
The Tree and the Santa are from Burlington Coat Factory.....
The window is also done with Gallery Glass.....
On the Kitchen Counters.......
The Bottle Brush Tree and candle are once again from J.C. Penney's Martha Stewart Collection.......
Don't you just love this antique Canister Set!!!
On the wall by the Bathroom........
There is a full Bath downstairs and upstairs in the house as the house once had an apartment upstairs and downstairs.

Tony and Anne Marie's Dad converted it into a single home several years ago....

The downstairs Bath is called Tony's Bathroom!!
A collection of Men's Shaving items....

Anne Marie dressed up the towel a bit!!
And now you know I have to show you the house in Candlelight!!!

Another new purchase of Anne Marie's......
So Pretty!!

And now I want to introduce you to my dear and amazing Friend, Anne Marie!!
If you have not been following my Weight Loss Journey on my regular Blog, Debbie-Dabble, let me tell you about Anne Marie......

In Jan. of last year I posted this picture on this blog of Anne Marie when we visited her home last year...........
She told me that when she saw this picture, she knew she had to lose weight.

She set her goal at 100 pounds!!!!



She did it with Weight Watchers!!

Look at her now!!!
I think she should be in a Weight Watcher's Advertisement, don't you???????
I started my Weight Loss Journey in March of last year and have lost 50 pounds.......

I still have 20 pounds more to go before I reach my Goal and Anne Marie is my inspiration to reach that Goal!!
Looking at these pictures made me realize that I need to go and buy clothes that fit me and get rid of my clothes that are too big!!

I have to tell you that Joe was taking these pictures and he almost never uses the camera so I kept telling him to take more because heaven knows how they were going to come out and we were all laughing......

And he kept snapping.....

And yet, I think he took the best photo of us together!!

I love this picture!!

And then on the other hand, you have this one.......

Like I said,,,,,, He seldom uses the camera!!
I hope you liked my tour of Anne Marie's Christmas Home for this year!!

If you would like to see Anne Marie's and Tony's beautiful Bedroom, please click HERE to see that post over on Debbie-Dabble........

If you want to see more of Anne Marie's Christmas decorations over the years.......

 Anne Marie's Christmas Home Tour 2012, please click HERE

 Anne Marie's Christmas Home Tour 2011, please click HERE

Please leave a comment to let Anne Marie know how much you enjoyed seeing her home and congratulate her on her amazing weight loss....

 She would love to hear from you.....

 I will be linking up to these great parties this week:

Wednesdays Make, Bake and Create party
 Fluster's Creative Muster Wednesday's
Wow Us Wednesday
Sizzle into Summer Party
 Lovely Ladies Linky Party
What's It Wednesday
Wonderful Wednesdays
 HOME Party on Wednesdays
 Wednesdays Adorned From Above Linky Party
  Ducks in a Row Wonderful Wednesdays Blog Hop 
 Before and After Party

Home and Garden Party Thursday
  Homemaking Weekend Link Up Party
Time Travel Thursday
 Open House Party
Share Your Cup Thursday
Vintage Thingie Thursday
Inspired Creations Linky Party
Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop 
 Pearls and Lace Thursday
  Grace at Home Party
All Things Pretty Thursdays
Create it Thursday 
 Catch a Glimpse Thursday
 Tablescape Thursday
 Fabulously Frugal Thursdays
 This and That Thursdays

Home Sweet Home Friday
Be Inspired Fridays
Thrifty Things Friday
Simple and Sweet Fridays
 Show and Tell Friday
Tickled Pink Party
 Flaunt It Fridays
 Fabulously Creative Friday Linky Party at Jennifer Rizzo's
 What To Do Weekends
 Eat. Create. Party
Inspire Me Please Weekend Blog Hop
 Inspire Me Fridays 
 Anything Goes Linky Party 
Ladies Only Blog Share Linky Party
Anything Blue and Pink Fridays
 Weekend Blog Linky Party
The Party Bunch
Friday's Five Features Party
Friday Favorites
 Let's Get Real Friday Party
Fridays Unfolded Linky Party
  Feathered Nest Friday
 Fabulous Friday Link Party

From the Farm Blog Hop
Pink Saturday
Party Junk
 Strut Your Stuff Saturdays
One Great Idea Saturday Party
 Finding the Pretty and Delicious Party
Saturday Show and Tell 
  Serenity  Saturday
  Check Me Out Saturdays

Seasonal Sunday
That DIY Party
Inspired Sunday( Formerly Vintage View Sunday)
Submarine Sunday
Share It One More Time Sundays
DIY SHowcase 
 Clever Chicks Blog Hop 
Sunday Showcase 
Sunday's Best Party 

   Tea Time Tuesday

Please take some time to visit these terrific hosts and all those joining in on the fun!

Thanks so much for stopping by today and every day that you take the time to visit with me!


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