Finally, some snow here in Northeast Pa.!
We had a very light and fluffy snowfall this morning of about 2-3 inches.
When I got home from work this morning I took these pictures of the front of our home.....

To read about my conversion of my Christmas decorations to Winter decorations in the front of our home, please click
HEREThey look so much better with a bit of snowy white.....

I think the penguins like the snow....

It is only about 24 degrees here so the snow is not melting any time soon......

I think this Flower Bed looks so much better with a bit of white fluffy snow.....

Love the way the snow looks on the garland with the white lights....

I guess this Penguin finally got what he wanted....

Some scenes from our back yard this morning....

The back yard at night.....

I am one of those rare souls who actually loves winter and snow. I don't ski but I did love to sleigh ride as a kid.
But I am tired of having to drive to work no matter what the roads are like when it snows as hospitals do not give snow days...
I long for the days when I can stay at home and enjoy a fresh fallen snowfall and don't have to drive anywhere in it.....
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Show and Tell FridaysSeasonal SundayAmaze me MondayMasterpiece MondayThanks for stopping by....