
Saturday, December 7, 2024

Old Time Christmas in the Den, Tree and Vignettes, Christmas Home Tour, 2024








 Welcome to my Christmas Blog, A Debbie-Dabble Christmas!!

 I am so happy you decided to stop by my Christmas Blog!!

  Every room in our townhouse has a different Christmas Theme and Color Scheme!!
 I prove that you do not have to live in a large home to have several Trees, over 20, in all shapes and sizes!!

The majority of my Christmas decorations are placed in the same room every year and I know that this is not what most Decorator's care for but to me, it like seeing old friends again when I decorate each year for Christmas as many of my decorations were gifts from family and friends........... 

I do try to add a few new things and change up things a bit but for the most part, these decorations are part of my Christmas Traditions and bring back a lot of treasured memories.....

 As always, click on each picture if you would like to enlarge it....
If you would like to Pin my pictures, please click on them to enlarge them to do so....
I enjoy reading your comments and will return the favor by visiting and commenting on your blog or reply to you directly here if you do not have a blog but I do have my comment section set to Moderation due to spammers and hackers so your comment will not appear immediately...
And since I have a very busy life, like most of us do, it may take me awhile to return your comments but I promise I will....

 In my last post, I shared the rest of my Kitchen decorated for Christmas in a Gingerbread and Candy theme...





 Click HERE if you missed that post!!

 I would like to Thank Andrea, over at The Cottage Market, for choosing my post, Victorian Tree and Village in the Living Room, as one of her features from last week's Morning Cup of Joe Link Party!!

 Thanks so much, Andrea!!

Please stop by and link up to this charming party!!

And now for a few Personal Notes...
We have been in a cold snap here in NEPA for over a week now with low's near 20 degrees and high's around 30....

Some snow squalls moved through the area on Thursday......

I stuck my head out the front door and took these pics at Dawn....

Another squall came through later in the morning, triggering my lights to come on again.....

Temps are supposed to warm up a bit next week but plummet back down by the end of the week again....

I am too far East to be affected by the lake effect snows that are burying parts of western Pa. and NY....

Thank God!!

Well, I finished decorating the Den and I am glad that I did....

I know if I elected to not do it, I would regret it.....

Again, I did try to change up some things in the Den but space limits me....

Today, I will be sharing the first half of my Tour of the Den.....

I am not going to go into too much detail in this post because most of it is the same as last year.....

We will be taking a look at the left side of the room when you enter it from the Kitchen....

Bare in mind that this long ( 20 ft.) narrow ( 8 ft.) room was once a Patio and part of a large storage room.....

This part of the Den was actually part of a large storage room....

I had my Dad remove the wall and then build a wall using the original door to close off what was left of the storage room.....

My sister gifted me this when My Mom passed away 20 years ago.....

A few years ago, I changed the picture to one of both my parents.....

I filled the mailbox with burgundy poinsettias.....

On the door to the storage room......

A wreath that I made.....

I had my Dad build me a pantry closet....

My Cynthia Hart Victorian calendar....

 I decorated the Den for Christmas in a blue, burgundy and ivory color theme.....

 I am not going to go into too much detail because I did not change up much in this room.....

In the corner.....

 On the end table....

Above the chair....


 I framed a picture from a Thomas Kinkade calendar....


The back door...

 My Thomas Kinade 4 Seasons clock....
 A Thomas Kinkade Angel...

 My 4 1/2 ft. table top Tree...

I decorated it in the same color theme as the room....

Pheasant feathers are tucked in the top of the Tree like they did in Victorian times....
The bow is made from a burgundy velvet like embossed ribbon....

I collected the ornaments over many years...
 I added gold candle ornaments to this Tree......

 Joe bought the blue velvet like tree skirt on Clearance in Big Lot's a few years ago at 90%ff.... 

The vintage manger was mine as a child...

 A Thomas Kinkade church....

A Thomas Kinkade house....

Next to the Tree....

 A Santa bought in Sam's Club many years ago....
 The shelves between the windows....
My homage to Charles Dicken's "A Christmas Carol"
 I bought 3 sets of these figurines in Boscov's about 35 years ago....

One set for each of my sons to have in their rooms and one set for me....

I decided not to pass on the large nativity set that I did not use in the Living Room this year....

Instead, I used it here in the Den on top of the computer armoire...

Joe won this in a raffle at our church....

He only bought one ticket for $1!!

It was bought at Sam's Club and made by Grandeur Noel....



 I am so glad that I decided to keep it....

And this is where I will leave off for today....

In my next post on MONDAY, I will be completing my Tour of the Den decorated for Christmas....
So I hope you will stop by to visit again on MONDAY....  

 Stay safe, healthy and most of all, HAPPY!!

Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!

If you do not have a blog, PLEASE  give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment.  If I can not find a way to reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check back......

I am linking up to these parties:

 Please take some time to visit these terrific hosts and all those joining in on the fun!


  1. Your den looks wonderful. I am so glad you decided to decorate for this year. I made a very smart move last spring and bought two new winter coats on clearance. They are both very warm, one is shorter, I call it a car coat and the other is longer. Even though they are keeping me very warm - I still try to avoid stepping outside in these temps!!! We are west of the deep snows in Northern Ohio and I am grateful for that!

  2. Your nativity is really beautiful -- I'm glad you decided to keep it too. And that porch -- wow! Beautiful with the snow!

  3. Hi Deb..the den looks the Thomas Kincaid accessories..I am a fan too. Looks very festive!

  4. Happy holidays, Deb! I love your vintage manger and the beautiful blue velvet tree skirt underneath... and then the nativity Joe won - it's definitely a keeper and especially so knowing the story behind it! Thinking of you this holiday season. I can only imagine how bittersweet it is. Praying that your memories sustain you and that those sweet granddaughters bring lots of joy to your days!

  5. Debbie - Your decorations are AMAZING! I love your Nativity Scene - so beautiful. You really go all out and you can tell how much you love your home. Your granddaughters are going to love visiting you at the holidays. I love to decorate for the holidays, but did a "Basic Christmas" this year as we will be away for the holidays. We were away last year, too - so two years ago when packing everything up I made one box and labeled it Basic Christmas. A ceramic tree, some other decorations, and a few of my late Mother-In-Laws Nativity set. I did not even get out my holiday dishes as Thanksgiving was late and it did not seem worth it. If we keep going away for the holidays I may have to get rid of LOTS of stuff! I did buy a wreath, a little tree, and some holiday battery lights to have in our cabin on our Christmas Cruise...Hope you have a wonderful and blessed Christmas !

  6. This tour is one of my posts for the last SSPS link-up of 2024! Thank you for always taking the time to stop by and share with us, we all appreciate it! Melynda @scratchmadefood!

  7. What a beautiful gift from your sister! Such a treasure! T!he den is amazing but then everything always is at your house. You have such a gift for designing a room right down to the last little detail. Love your Kincaid accents. The painting with the blue house has hung in my living room for years. So pretty! Have a wonderful Christmas Deb.

  8. Beautiful as always! If you want, link up to our Comfy, Cozy Christmas linkup here:


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However if you are a vendor and insist upon leaving a comment with a link back to a website, You have forced me to now moderate ALL comments so do NOT even try it!