
Monday, December 9, 2024

Old Time Christmas in the Den, China Cupboard & 2 More Trees, Christmas Home Tour, 2024








 Welcome to my Christmas Blog, A Debbie-Dabble Christmas!!

 I am so happy you decided to stop by my Christmas Blog!!

  Every room in our townhouse has a different Christmas Theme and Color Scheme!!
 I prove that you do not have to live in a large home to have several Trees, over 20, in all shapes and sizes!!

The majority of my Christmas decorations are placed in the same room every year and I know that this is not what most Decorator's care for but to me, it like seeing old friends again when I decorate each year for Christmas as many of my decorations were gifts from family and friends........... 

I do try to add a few new things and change up things a bit but for the most part, these decorations are part of my Christmas Traditions and bring back a lot of treasured memories.....

 As always, click on each picture if you would like to enlarge it....
If you would like to Pin my pictures, please click on them to enlarge them to do so....
I enjoy reading your comments and will return the favor by visiting and commenting on your blog or reply to you directly here if you do not have a blog but I do have my comment section set to Moderation due to spammers and hackers so your comment will not appear immediately...
And since I have a very busy life, like most of us do, it may take me awhile to return your comments but I promise I will....

 In my last post, I shared how I decorated this half of the Den for Christmas this Year....






 Click HERE if you missed that post!!


And now for a few Personal Notes...
Saturday, December 7th, was my youngest son Jim's 41st Birthday....

His wife Danielle shared a few pictures on FB for his birthday including his one which just made my heart melt....

My baby boy with his baby girls.....

In a playpen!!


I am so PROUD of the amazing Hands On Dad that he has become and I know that Joe is too .....

We will be celebrating Jim's Birthday tomorrow, on Tuesday.....

Sunday was the monthly Sunday/Coffee/Love breakfast as my church....

The Community Group that I belong to hosts the event.....

The majority of the goodies are purchased from a local Bakery called Bakery Delite whose owners are parishioners...

The bagels also came from Bakery Delite....

Cookies came from Walmart and donut holes are from Dunkin....

Along with water and juice, we also offer coffee and Tea and I even brought in my Christmas Hot Cocoa basket for the Hot Cocoa which the children like as they come up after CCD....

We had another great turnout of about 60+ people...

I bought red and green tablecloths to make the hall look festive....

Today, I will be finishing up my Tour of the Den decorated for Christmas....

I am going to start where I left off in my last post, on the side of the computer armoire.....
 Hanging on the wall is a tin pocket and an Angel hanging from it....

On a vintage ash tray table is a Victorian style feather Tree....

About 25 years ago, when the Michael's store first opened in the shopping center that is located right next to my townhouse development, I bought a series of 1950's looking children ornaments....

 I placed the Tree inside of a vintage looking drum this year....
I display these ornaments on this Tree because I think they need to stand out....

But first, I topped this Tree with a vintage topper that I used on my bedroom Tree when I was a child......

 I always place this little girl riding a sled at the top of the Tree because it reminds me of my childhood.....

 I would go sleigh riding on the hill right outside my house when it snowed and back in the 60's and early 70's, it seemed like we always had snow in December here in NEPA....
I realized that I was able to do that because the small town in which I lived never plowed their roads!!!
Joe used to deliver mail to the development where I grew up and he confirmed that they still never plowed their roads!!!

I love the cowboy and Indian ones....

 And the children riding their bikes which was also a favorite of mine as a child....

 I placed a handmade card that a reader sent to me at the base of the Tree as the children on the card reminded me of the ornaments on the Tree....

On the shelves.....
 To the right of this Tree, is Nelson Crest, my Victorian doll house, which I will be sharing in a separate post....
 Since I moved my large Nativity set from the Living Room into the Den this year.....
 I needed to do something with my Thomas Kinkade "village" that I used to set up on the computer armoire in past years....


I did place the Thomas Kinkade house and Church underneath the Tree.....

 I decided to put some of the pieces here on the Den side of where the Kitchen window once was before we converted the patio into the Den....
This is what it looks like on the Kitchen side, which I still treat like a window...

I was able to place the small pieces under the pedestal that my Cooking Santa is on....

The other chair in the Den...

And now we get to the China Cupboard....

 The top of the China Cupboard.....

I set up a Christmas Caroler's scene....

The ice church and the ice house were gifted to me by my friend Anne Marie.....

I bought the Carolers at one of my favorite places to visit at Christmas, Country Folk Gifts, which sadly is now permanently closed....

Ironically, Anne Marie also bought the ice church and house at Country Folks Gifts...

To the right is my Thomas Kinkade Calendar.....


 On the left side of the China Cupboard....

 On the small table.....

I wrapped a set of fairy lights around the burgundy feather tree, which I placed on top of a burgundy drum.....

 Underneath the table.....
 A pair of Bearington Bears.....

Hanging on the left side of the China Cupboard is a Victorian flute cover...

Hanging on the door on the other side of the China Cupboard...
 Is a wreath I made.....

I set up a "Village" so to speak, inside the China Cupboard......


Top shelf....

Middle shelf.....

 Bottom shelf....
 I also decorated the area around the China Cupboard.....


 I continued the "Village" onto the vintage suitcases , which I also use to store all my normal decor from the Den in....




 On the side, is another Tree.....
 Santa's to the left...

 A Thomas Kinkade plate hangs on the wall by the Tree.....

An Angel ornament hangs on the door knob of the china cupboard door.....

I used a Santa topper on this Tree....

Which I decorated with my Thomas Kinkade ornaments....

I tucked a few cotton floral picks into the Tree.....

And I will leave you with this picture taken at night....

Completing my Tour of the Den decorated for Christmas this year....

I am really glad that I decided to decorate this room....

I know I would have regretted it if I didn't.....


"If this was to be your last Christmas on Earth, would you have wanted to spend it in a house where you didn't do the thing you loved?" 
The one thing that this year has taught me is that tomorrow is promised to no one....
Here is a break down of how long it took me to decorate our townhouse both inside and out.....

Front Porch and Yard - 3 days

Dining Room - 4 days

Powder Room - 2 days

Living Room - 9 days

Kitchen - 4 days

Den - 3 days

It took me 25 days to decorate the downstairs this year....

In my next post on THURSDAY, I will be moving upstairs and will be sharing a few new things in my bedroom that I did for Christmas this year...

So I hope you will stop by to visit again on THURSDAY......  
 Stay safe, healthy and most of all, HAPPY!!

Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!

If you do not have a blog, PLEASE  give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment.  If I can not find a way to reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check back......

I am linking up to these parties:

 Please take some time to visit these terrific hosts and all those joining in on the fun!



  1. That photo with your son and his daughters is just precious!!! What a heartwarming moment, especially this Christmas. Those baked goods look so delicious and I am sure are very welcomed by your church friends! What a great fellowship.
    As usual, your decor is wonderful. Your attention to detail amazing.

  2. Hi Deb! Wow! The den looks fabulous and I'm glad you decided to decorate it! I love the 50s children. We grew up in an innocent time. Great job on your home!..hugs Barb

    1. Barb,
      I too love those 50's children ornaments!! Brings back a lot of memories!! Thanks for dropping by, my friend!!

  3. Aw, that photo of your son with his daughters is so precious! The den looks fabulous!!

  4. Hi Deb, you put so much effort into your decorating and I'm sure your family and friends appreciate your efforts. I've selected your post as one of my favourites for #WeekendTrafficJamReboot. Have a great week! x Sue L x


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However if you are a vendor and insist upon leaving a comment with a link back to a website, You have forced me to now moderate ALL comments so do NOT even try it!