
Thursday, December 19, 2024

Christmas Upstairs, Sitting Room & Minerva, Christmas Home Tour, 2024



  Welcome to my Christmas Blog, A Debbie-Dabble Christmas!!

 I am so happy you decided to stop by my Christmas Blog!!

  Every room in our townhouse has a different Christmas Theme and Color Scheme!!
 I prove that you do not have to live in a large home to have several Trees, over 20, in all shapes and sizes!!

The majority of my Christmas decorations are placed in the same room every year and I know that this is not what most Decorator's care for but to me, it like seeing old friends again when I decorate each year for Christmas as many of my decorations were gifts from family and friends........... 

I do try to add a few new things and change up things a bit but for the most part, these decorations are part of my Christmas Traditions and bring back a lot of treasured memories.....

 As always, click on each picture if you would like to enlarge it....
If you would like to Pin my pictures, please click on them to enlarge them to do so....
I enjoy reading your comments and will return the favor by visiting and commenting on your blog or reply to you directly here if you do not have a blog but I do have my comment section set to Moderation due to spammers and hackers so your comment will not appear immediately...
And since I have a very busy life, like most of us do, it may take me awhile to return your comments but I promise I will....

 In my last post, I shared how I decorated my Bedroom for Christmas this year and a few changes I made since Joe passed away...






 Click HERE if you missed that post!!

 I want to Thank to Melynda, over at Scratch Made Food & DIY Homemade Household, for choosing my post, Old Time Christmas in the Den, Tree and Vignettes, as one of her features from last week's Senior Salon Pitstop Link Party...


 Thanks so much, Melynda!!!

I also want to Thank Joanne, over at Slices of Life, for featuring my post, Gingerbread and Candy Christmas Kitchen, Counters & Fridge, as one of her features from last week's Talking About It Tuesday Linky Party!!

Thanks again, Joanne!!!

Please stop by and link up to these lovely parties....

And now for a few Personal Notes...
I spent 2 hours at the Eye Doctor's the other day.. ..
I was called right back as soon as I got there but the pressure readings in my eyes were up a tad....
 So I had scans of the optic nerve and the macula done which show NO  signs of glaucoma ( which they were checking for) or macula degeneration....
I still do not need to have my cataract surgery ( Thank God)!!
I have had premature cataracts, caused by my Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, since I was in my late 40's....
But I did need new glasses as my script did change....
So I picked out new glasses...

I went in a totally different direction for frames with all 4 employees in the eye glass store saying an "Absolute yes" to these Kate Spade frames!!!
 Slightly smaller in size than my current ones... 
Will take about 2-3 weeks because of the holidays but I am excited about them.....
I go to a Geriatric Optometrist at the Healthcare system that I worked for....
They also have an eye glass store and I received a 25% off Friends and Family discount which brought these glass down to $1 cheaper than my old ones that I had for 2 years!!!
I could not have planned that if I tried!!!
 If you want to see the most amazing Gingerbread inspired House Tour , please click HERE to watch this You Tube Video!!!
 Today, we are moving into my upstairs Sitting Room....
As I mentioned before, I usually decorate the upstairs for Christmas in October before Halloween....

But with Joe's illness and passing, I never got to take down and pack up Christmas upstairs....

And I was not going to go up into the Attic in the heat of the Summer......

I did manage to change up some things in the Sitting Room....

A wreath I made on the door to the room reflects the colors of the room.....

To the left when you walk in....

This was my son Jim's bedroom that I originally had as a guest room, keeping his single bed in it when he moved out....

Then I realized that in 40+ years, we never ever had any guests stay overnight so I ditched the bed and bought a nice rocker/recliner for this room and renamed it the Sitting Room....

I painted the wash stand that a neighbor gave to me....

I placed a small flocked Tree, that I decorated with only a set of lights and a string garland inside of the vintage pitcher....

Another Tree that I decorated with the same color ornaments as the other Trees in this room have...

And placed it in the matching chamber pot....

A vintage angel and a sled that I painted white....

A mirror window and a few other mirrors reflect the Tree nicely....

The matching shaving pitcher to the set is on the sill....

A 6 foot flocked Tree that Joe bought on Clearance at Big Lot's for 90% off!!

The lights did not work but it was only $10 so I definitely said YES!!!

I prefer to light my own Trees any way using warm white LED lights and following the rule of thumb of 100 lights per foot of Tree....

This tree is decorated with some solid colored ball ornaments in bright pink, green, aqua and silver which is the color theme of this room for Christmas....
The Topper is a vintage one....

 The bow is made from 3 different ribbons in those bright colors...

I used different beaded garlands strung together in the bright colors of the ornaments....
 I also used the Shiny Brite vintage ornaments in those colors from my collection of vintage ornaments.....

My Son's Baby's First Christmas ornaments....

There are also bright pink icicle ornaments from target on this Tree

In the evening......

I did change what I had on the bottom of the Tree this year....
The Tree skirt is handmade and was bought at a church flea market.... 

Joe bought the village piece in Bed, Bath and Beyond on Clearance for $10 which was 75% off......
The Tree on the left is the one I bought at Dollar Tree this year.....

The one on the right is from Hobby Lobby...

 Truth be told, I did buy a package of vintage styled silver tinsel to add to this Tree but did not get the time to do so ....

It will be saved for next year...

 Last year, I took all the tea cups out of this Tea cup display shelf and put all my putz houses, some new and mostly vintage ones, inside of it...

This year, I placed the 4 houses that I bought about 10 years ago in Ollies on top....
 Vintage looking cards are behind some of the houses....

 On a chair, that I painted and reupholstered, is a pair of my neighbor Elly's skates that she bought for her sons which are my age....
 And the box they came in with those beautiful graphics....

Both of my son's Cabbage Patch dolls....

I always filled the red wagon with my son's Christmas books that I used to read to them along with some vintage Golden Books...

I am happy to say that I passed them on to my Twin Granddaughters.....

I placed 2 tables, both bought at flea markets and painted white, on top of each other to create this "bookcase"....

A small TV that I have hooked up to an antenna and can pick up 30 stations!!

The lighted angel was a flea market find...

On the shelves.....

I did change things up a bit here on the shelves this year....

These are pieces of Plasticville that my Dad always set out under my childhood Tree....
The church was not from my parents but the barn and blue and white cottage is....

I used to play with the animals and the antique chalk figures that were my mother's as a child....
Both my sons also played with these...
The snow village was bought in Target about 20 years ago and the reindeer are vintage....

I made the 2 houses on each side, was gifted the snowmen by a friend and the red cottage and the trees are vintage Plasticville....

Looking at the one corner.....

On top of the bookcase that my Dad built about 60 years ago that I painted white....

I had to place the antenna on top of the lamp, which was my Mother's, to pick up all of those 30 TV stations....

The dresser scarves were made by my maternal grandmother....

The 2 wood reindeer were made by my niece Renae's Father and gifted to my sons when they were young...

You may remember that I made this mini Tree from a kit that my neighbor Elly had....

It stays up in the Sitting Room year round......

And another tree from Dollar Tree Plus.....

Joe also bought the lighted tree and Santa on Clearance...

All of my books.....

Paperbacks that hopefully, I will find the time to read someday....

Christmas novels and decorating books....

Decorating books and Christmas magazines....

All Christmas books on the bottom shelf....

The original Chipmunk Christmas album that my sister bought for me as a child!!!

Next to my Dad's bookcase is another smaller one I bought at a yard sale for $10 and also painted white....

On top of the bookcase....

A lace tree, bought in Bon Ton that I added bright pink garland to, placed in a vintage milk glass wedding compote....

Candy land houses from Dollar Tree.....

 In the corner is a corner curio that was my neighbor Elly's that I filled with some of my Angel Collection and my mother's yellow depression glass.....


Over in the other corner, is Minerva!!!

You can see Joe's Christening gown hanging on the closet door....

You may remember how Minerva looked all dressed up for Halloween.....

Well, she is back up in the upstairs Sitting Room as a proper Victorian Lady.....
 And she is planning on going ice skating....
She is dressed for the occasion with a warm Winter cape, which is actually a tree skirt!! 

And she also has her black velvet gloves....

And a pair of ice skates.....

I have to look for a Winter hat for her on clearance after Christmas....

And now we move over to one of my favorite areas in the house at Christmas....

My faux fireplace!!

Hardly anything here on the mantel is changed from last year.....

I set up a Village scene on the "mantel"....

This 3 foot white Tree is decorated in the same colors as the larger Tree...




Teddy Bear Tea....

And that completes the tour of the upstairs Sitting Room for this year....

If you would like to see it in more detail, please click HERE and HERE to see last year's posts...

In my next post on SATURDAY, I will be sharing a few changes I made in my Craft Room for this Christmas, completing my Room by Room Christmas House tour....

On Monday, the 23rd, I will be posting my Annual Christmas Home Tour , both inside and out....

And I will be revealing how many Trees I decorated in the house for this Year....
 So I hope you will stop by to visit again on SATURDAY!  
 Stay safe, healthy and most of all, HAPPY!!

Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!

If you do not have a blog, PLEASE  give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment.  If I can not find a way to reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check back......

I am linking up to these parties:
 Please take some time to visit these terrific hosts and all those joining in on the fun!


  1. I love these colors so much! They are all so bright and happy. And I love the family memory items mixed in with the decor. Lovely!

  2. New glasses are fun -- pricey, but fun. I'm glad everything else was OK. Lots of pretty colors here! I like those combos.

  3. Hi Deb..sitting room is lovely! Love your new glasses too! Have a good day!

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words, Barb!! Thanks so visiting!!


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However if you are a vendor and insist upon leaving a comment with a link back to a website, You have forced me to now moderate ALL comments so do NOT even try it!