
Friday, November 29, 2024

Traditional Christmas in the Living Room, Hutch, Shiny Brite Tree and More, Christmas Home Tour, 2024








 Welcome to my Christmas Blog, A Debbie-Dabble Christmas!!

 I am so happy you decided to stop by my Christmas Blog!!

  Every room in our townhouse has a different Christmas Theme and Color Scheme!!
 I prove that you do not have to live in a large home to have several Trees, over 20, in all shapes and sizes!!

The majority of my Christmas decorations are placed in the same room every year and I know that this is not what most Decorator's care for but to me, it like seeing old friends again when I decorate each year for Christmas as many of my decorations were gifts from family and friends........... 

I do try to add a few new things and change up things a bit but for the most part, these decorations are part of my Christmas Traditions and bring back a lot of treasured memories.....

 As always, click on each picture if you would like to enlarge it....
If you would like to Pin my pictures, please click on them to enlarge them to do so....
I enjoy reading your comments and will return the favor by visiting and commenting on your blog or reply to you directly here if you do not have a blog but I do have my comment section set to Moderation due to spammers and hackers so your comment will not appear immediately...
And since I have a very busy life, like most of us do, it may take me awhile to return your comments but I promise I will....

I hope you will get to spend it with those that you love.....

 In my last post, I shared 2 more table vignettes in the Living Room and how I decorated the hall downstairs for Christmas.....





 Click HERE if you missed that post!!

And now for a few Personal Notes...

If you have followed my Blogs for some time, you may be realizing that I am doing my Christmas Home Tour differently this year....
My Grand Pups were groomed last week so I am going to share some pictures of them.....
I usually start with the upstairs, which is always decorated first in October when I start posting on my Christmas Blog .....
Even though I did not get to pack away Christmas upstairs last Season because of Joe's illness and passing, I did not start my Christmas Tour this year with the upstairs because truth be told, it looks like a bomb hit it!!!!
The upstairs has been a catch all for a lot of things I need to take care of and put away....

 I did manage to do some tweaking to the decorations in some of the rooms and I will be sharing those after I finish sharing the downstairs...
 Will you look at how proud Azumi is that she is wearing a hat with turkey legs on it!!

Faye's turkey crown fell off as her head is too small for it!!

I usually take the pictures for the upstairs posts in October when I decorated it which makes posting to the blog much easier and quicker....
This is why my posts are going up later in the evenings...

I am decorating the downstairs, trying to quickly take the pictures and get them edited and posted...

So please bare with me until I am finished decorating the downstairs and can get a handle on how the upstairs looks.... 

 Today, I am finally finishing up the Tour of the Living Room decorated for Christmas....

As I mentioned in my previous post, this room has been a bear to do and really kicked my butt...

But it is finally done and I almost have the Kitchen finished too!!
 We will start to the left of the front door.....
A vintage marble top plant stand.... 

 Bottles I embellished....

An apothecary jar gifted to me by a friend.... 

A Santa sign hangs above the door.....
 A gold embroidered stocking hangs from the valance.....
 Every year, I place this cane in the corner, symbolizing the cane that "Nick" placed in the corner at the end of "A Miracale of 34th Street"....

To the left is Joe's Great Grandmother's Hutch.....

On the shelf to the left of the Hutch....

In the brass bucket is a floral arrangement with lighted branches.....

I did the Hutch differently this year....

The color theme for the Living Room for Christmas is red, green and gold.....

In keeping with that traditional Christmas color theme.......

The top of the Hutch.....
I still used the vintage Caroler's from the 40's-50's, that my friend Anne Marie gifted me, but brought the gold churches back....

I hung red and gold stars from the garland and added red and white striped candle ornaments ( same as on the main Tree) to the swag.....
The candles were bought at Dollar Tree this year....

I decided not to display my "Praying Santa's" in the Hutch this year but instead, displayed them on this table....

This is how I did the inside of the Hutch this year....

Honoring Joe.....

The top shelf......

Joe's ashes are in that beautiful mantel clock.....

I bought this ornament in Boscov's.....

" In Loving Memory of a Life so Beautifully Lived and a Heart so Deeply Loved"

He is among the Angels....

My sister Barb gifted me the red cardinal snow globe because " When a red cardinal appears, a Visitor from Heaven is near"

I also used red reindeer, bought by Joe at 90% off last year, and red and green bottle brush and glass trees.....

The middle shelf.....

You may remember that I recently bought this vintage style Angel Tree in Boscov's....

Also this Lenox Santa that I recently purchased.....


The bottom shelf....

On the right side of the Hutch....
 The left side of the stairs.....
A lighted picture I bought in Big Lot's last year...

 Some of my Santa Collection....

I did up the lanterns to and changed to red velvet bows this year....

Bought in Target....

Both were bought in Sam's Club...

 I hung the Angel I bought after Joe passed away on the wall....

 I made the cone Angel.....

The right side of the stairs....

A swag I made....
Another Angel I made....
 A Reader of my Blogs, Lynn, gifted me these jar canisters last year....

 I placed candles in them....
I LOVE the tops of them....


 Looking at the chair from the side....

2 Nutcrackers.....

 The corner by the stairs.... 

I decorate this chair for the different Holidays and Seasons.....

A mini sled and a Santa......

A Bearington Bear and a rocking horse with a Father Christmas book....

The skater doll was bought for me by my Mother when she was in the hospital after surgery when I was maybe about 7-8 years old.....
 She bought it in the "Hospitality Shop"....

And I moved this lighted gift that Jim and Danielle bought me one Mother's Day over to the chair....
Under the chair.....

An Angel in one lantern....

A vintage Santa boot with a Santa head in the other one....

 I made the reindeer feed bottle....
Next to the chair....
 A 4 ft. Tree decorated with mostly vintage Shiny Brite ornaments......
 From the side....


 I also added red candle ornaments to it......

 The topper bow is made from the same ribbon as the one on the main Tree in the Living Room....

I did drop and smash 3 of the Shiny Brites and cried over it....

A vintage Christmas card of a Post Office.....

Joe was a Letter Carrier for the U S Postal Service....
On a vintage Christmas hanky....

Above the curio.....

I bought the Santa Head many years ago in T.J. Maxx because it reminded me of the Santa head that my Dad used to hang on the house we lived in before we moved when I was 4 years old....

 See it circled by a wreath.....

My Dad made the wood decorations in front of the house....
On the side of the curio....

I removed the peach flowers from the curio and put in a few Christmas ornaments to make it look more like Christmas....

On the side of the curio on the floor....

And on the floor in front of the curio.....

Trish, that owns the house next to me, passed on this homemade sled, that she received from a patient of hers, to me....

I painted the sled and reindeers a bit and added a candleholder in the center of it this year.........

And that completes my Tour of the Living Room decorated for Christmas this year....

On SATURDAY in my next post, I will be sharing my Thanksgiving Day along with some pictures of the Kitchen decorated for Christmas.....

 So I hope you will stop by to visit again on SATURDAY!!!  
 Stay safe, healthy and most of all, HAPPY!!

Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!

If you do not have a blog, PLEASE  give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment.  If I can not find a way to reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check back......

I am linking up to these parties:


 Please take some time to visit these terrific hosts and all those joining in on the fun!



  1. Just beautiful. And we all understand that this year is a different year. You are adjusting to the new normal and doing a beautiful job of it. I enjoy all your Christmas decorating and look forward to every post. And those doggies, cuter and cuter.

  2. Wow.I especially love all the vintage figurines, ornaments, - that Santa mask. I remember seeing those as a child. Joes’s great-grandmother’s hutch is so unique. I especially liked the memorial for your dear husband - touching. That clock with his ashes fits right in.
    So much to see! God bless.

  3. I absolutely love the staircase with a figurine on each step! Your cover shot of the snow is lovely, but I am glad I no longer live where is snows. Nice job!

  4. Hi's all so beautiful! I need to do my decorating soon..this year will be minimal since we're both not feeling 100%. But it will be festive!
    PS the pups are ADORABLE

    1. Barb,
      I hope you are both feeling better....Thanks again for stopping by!!

  5. I'm loving the shiny brite tree. I have some but you are rocking it. Those dogs! Just so darned cute!


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