
Saturday, November 23, 2024

Living Room Victorian Tree & Village and 1st Snowfall, Christmas Home Tour, 2024







 Welcome to my Christmas Blog, A Debbie-Dabble Christmas!!

 I am so happy you decided to stop by my Christmas Blog!!

  Every room in our townhouse has a different Christmas Theme and Color Scheme!!
 I prove that you do not have to live in a large home to have several Trees, over 20, in all shapes and sizes!!

The majority of my Christmas decorations are placed in the same room every year and I know that this is not what most Decorator's care for but to me, it like seeing old friends again when I decorate each year for Christmas as many of my decorations were gifts from family and friends........... 

I do try to add a few new things and change up things a bit but for the most part, these decorations are part of my Christmas Traditions and bring back a lot of treasured memories.....

 As always, click on each picture if you would like to enlarge it....
If you would like to Pin my pictures, please click on them to enlarge them to do so....
I enjoy reading your comments and will return the favor by visiting and commenting on your blog or reply to you directly here if you do not have a blog but I do have my comment section set to Moderation due to spammers and hackers so your comment will not appear immediately...
And since I have a very busy life, like most of us do, it may take me awhile to return your comments but I promise I will....

 In my last post, I shared How I decorated the top of the TV Entertainment Center and the area around it.....





Click HERE if you missed that post!!
I want to Thank to Barb, over at the French Ethereal, for choosing my post, Fall Foliage in NEPA
 as one of her features from the last Share Your Style Link Party 2 weeks ago.....
 Thanks so much, Barb.....
 I also want to Thank to Lisa, over at Boondock Ramblings, for choosing my post,  Pink Victorian Christmas in the Dining Room, Hutch and Small Curio,  as one of her features from last week's Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot Link Party!!!

 Thanks again, Lisa!!

 And Thanks to Sue, over at Living Well After 50, for also choosing my post, Pink Victorian Christmas in the Dining Room, Hutch and Small Curio,  as one of her features from last week's Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot Link Party!!!

 Thanks so much, Sue!!

I also want to Thank to Andrea, over at the Cottage Market, for choosing my post, My New Tree, Pink Victorian Christmas in the Dining Room, as one of her features from last week's A Morning Cup of Joe Link Party!!

Thanks again, Andrea!! 

Please stop by and link up to these wonderful parties....

And now for a few Personal Notes...

Well, NEPA was hit by the first snow storm of the Season.....

Some areas got an inch of snow and some areas in the Pocono's got over a foot.....

I got about 4-5 inches.....

Snow makes everything look better especially Christmas decorations.....






 I do LOVE snow and I could not wait to get out there to PLAY!!

I shoveled several neighbor's sidewalks, 2 sets of steps and cleaned off 4 cars.....

My next door neighbor's kids had a great time with my sons childhood shovels that I still use for shoveling the steps....

It brought back a lot of memories for me....

Today, I will be sharing the main Living Room Tree and the Village I set up on the platform underneath it....

After I stripped the Tree down to the lights, I realized I needed to replace a set of lights.....

I also added 2 sets of red, green and white lights.....

I then added 2 sets of beaded garland that I wove together.....

Next, I added a red, green and gold beaded garland....

With the lights on.....

I topped the Tree off with a gold finial and a bow with a few streamers......

I then added all the Victorian style ornaments that I collected or made over many years......


Next, I tucked gold floral picks into the Tree and added red and white stripped candle ornaments.....

And here it is finished and lit up......



Next, I started doing the base work for the Village.....

I used the boxes from the houses and covered them with white felt fabric.....

I also covered the tree collar with felt.....

Since I bought new light sets for the houses, I changed the arrangement of the houses.....

And then I set up the Village on the platform that my Dad made for me 46 years ago......


Each house has a special meaning to me.....


I will set up this village as long as I am physically able to do so ....

Like my Dad did when I was a child....

I always say that I can hear my Dad say "That a Girl" when I finish the Village....

And this year, I know Joe is standing beside him.....

In my next post on MONDAY, I will continue my Tour of the Living Room decorated for Christmas.....

So I hope you will stop by to visit again on MONDAY..... 
 Stay safe, healthy and most of all, HAPPY!!

Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!

If you do not have a blog, PLEASE  give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment.  If I can not find a way to reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check back......

I am linking up to these parties:

  Please take some time to visit these terrific hosts and all those joining in on the fun!


  1. Did you know that you were featured on the blog Country Road 407? It was in a post she did called Farmhouse Friday 374 and included a picture from your blog. :) Just thought you'd like to know. (I think she has also featured you before.)

    1. Patricia,
      Yes, thank you, I did know and even left her a comment thanking her on the 22nd, to which she responded to. I posted about it on FB and will mention it in my next post as I already had 4 features to mention in this post....Thanks for stopping by!!

    2. The snow really sets off your outdoor decorations, doesn't it! It really looks like Christmas!!! And I bet it also makes you really happy that you were ahead of the storms when you got it all set up. How cute are your little shovelers.
      Your tree is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing the process. If I don't wait until the last minute, I am hoping I could take my time and decorate like yours. My grandkids have a 2 hour delay a week from Monday for a teachers meeting so I am hoping they will set up my village for me during the delay. That gives me a week to clear off the bookcase where it needs to go.

  2. Love your village, mine is going on my father n laws old ladder, will start setting it up today. I call it Dollarville Village. First snow s always so pretty, still waiting for our first snowfall.

    1. Linda,
      I loved seeing how you displayed your village on that vintage ladder....It really looks pretty!! Are you still waiting for your first snowfall....

  3. Deb..your tree and village are beautiful! Do your sons decorate their own trees too? Would love to see them! Thanks for sharing!
    Hugs Barb

    1. Barb,
      Jim and Danielle have a tree ( my old LR one) set up year round with a light set that you can change the colors on. No ornaments though...Joey uses one that is identical to my Kitchen Tree as it was part of a set of 2 pathway Trees.....He does put some ornaments on it that I gave him and that a co worker crocheted for him....The boys did not inherit my decorating gene....LOL!!

  4. That village under the tree is so magical. And so, too, is that snow falling in your front yard! It looks like you got more than we did. Happy week!

  5. Your tree and village are just lovely! The snow does make everything look so pretty and yet I'm still not happy that we have possible snow in the forecast for Friday. I'm in denial that the warm weather is over. 😊

  6. Hi Debbie, once again you have wowed me with your decorating and the snow just adds the final pretty touch. Thanks for sharing with us at this week's #WeekendTrafficJamReboot. Have a lovely weekend. x


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However if you are a vendor and insist upon leaving a comment with a link back to a website, You have forced me to now moderate ALL comments so do NOT even try it!