
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Home Tour 2010 Part Three: Living Room and Tree # 6 and 7

Today I would like to show you my Living Room.

This room is decorated with traditional Christmas, green and gold

As you enter through the Front Door, you are directly in our Living Room.

The cane is in corner is symbolic of one of my favorite Christmas movies, Miracle on 34th Street , where Santa leaves his cane in the corner at the house at the end of the movie....

A shelf on the one side of the Hutch...

A large nutcracker...

The hutch was Joe's grandmother's. When she passed away, the family was going to throw it out. I refinished it exactly where it is standing....

Gold churches from Pier One on top of the hutch...

Mostly everything inside the hutch are sets from Sam's Club.....

I went with a white and gold theme for the inside of the hutch....

The shelf on the other side of the hutch...

My Old World Santa's.....

The caroler's are from Lowe's several years ago...

Some of my Bearington Bear's......

See the tree with lights and red and green ornaments in the Santa planter..... Tree # 6

Garland going up the stairs

I have red, green and white lights on the garland along with the candle lights...

The Santa head is from Marshall's....

This is the beginning of the wall into the Dining Room....

Looking into the Dining Room....

Santa that I have hanging....

Victorian Doll, Santa and Bearington Bear....

My Praying Santa's.....

My " Fake " window....

I made the wreath....

That is a Thomas kinkaide throw on the chair....

Tree # 7 is decorated with red, green and gold.....

Mostly Victorian style ornaments......

White lights and 40 candle lights....

Gold sprigs tucked into the tree.....

I made the red velvet ribbon bows.....

The village I collected since 1981 when my oldest son was born.......

My Dad made the platform for our first Christmas 32 years ago.....

I tried to add a piece or two every year.....

But I am running out of room....

I also made the floral swags.....

Some putz houses.......

This house was bought in Big Lot's last year after Christmas.....

These houses were bought also after Christmas at a local Christmas shop....

I won this nativity set at our Church in a raffle several years ago....

The caroler's on the shelves are from the Christmas Tree Shop......

This is a Sam's Club set....

More Bearington Bears.....

I liked the pillows wrapped as presents that I saw at Country Folks Home Decor store so I did my own version by tying this gold fabric around these Target pillows....

A little table by the door when you walk in....

A Victorian Angel.....

A Victorian Doll.........

And back to the front door again....

And that is my Living Room....

As part of my progressive tour, please click HERE to see my Powder Room!

This post is linked up to :

Seasonal Sundays

Deck the Halls at Between Naps on the Porch

Deck the Halls Friday

Show and Tell Friday

Amaze me Mondays

All Things Merry and Brite

Open house @ Coastal Charm

Christmas 2010 Tour of Homes

Hooked on Holiday House Tour

Share the Decor Party

and all the Christmas Blog Parties listed on my Side Bar.

Thanks for stopping by today and every day that you take the time to visit me!!



  1. Wow, what a post!! you truly are the Queen of christmas!! hugs from UK, Jennyx

  2. Well Debbie, your livingroom is beautiful. You take such great pictures and give us the enjoyment of almost as if we are there in your home taking in all the beauty. You have such a lovely touch with your decorating. I love everything!! Honestly I do! The pillow wrapped with the bow is so pretty. You do bows really well! I also love the bow on the lampshade. I felt as if I was there in your home, enjoying it all. Better than any magazine! Thank you so much for sharing your lovely home with us. Looking forward to your powder room tour. Wishing you a warm and wonderful Sunday!

  3. I love that cane beautiful....EVerything is just gorgeous. I SO love your fake window Debbie...seriouly, it just pops and does look like a window..Now I'm getting off the computer because my garland on my stairs look like Charlie brown's Christmas tree,,lol. Now I'm going get some ribbon and get a ya

  4. Everything is lovely, I especially love the gold churches. I am going to have to go find myself a cane! I love that simple little decor item. I did a giveaway from Macy's for Christmas this year and featured Miracle on 34th Street. Thanks for giving me that idea. If you come and visit me, tell me how many hours it takes to put together your Christmas Fantasy house! It is just mind boggling! Loved touring with you. You really enjoy Christmas and go all out. How fun.

  5. Wow again! You have such a large collection of lovelies! Where could you possibly store it all? :-) Thanks for sharing your treasures with us.

  6. Everything is Beautiful! So many lovely things to see. The wreath is so pretty. I really like your curtains also in the living room, nice color.
    How long did this take to put out all of your ornaments? I feel like a slacker.

  7. Well, you are one gal who absolutely loves the holidays, aren't you? Your home is lovely ... your collections are amazing, and I can only imagine the wonderful Christmas memories your children must hold, having been surrounded by such joy! Thanks for sharing your delightful home with us. Becca

  8. Oh Debbie!

    It's so beautiful! Your home looks so lovely and welcoming-I could just curl up with a cup of tea and take in all the Christmas splendor:). Of course, I would have a hard time sitting down because I would want to study all of your wonderful vignettes! I especially love the cane by the door-what a great touch!



  9. Loved all your posts. I love the idea of a cane by the door. What a bit of simple magic interwoven into your lovely displays. Your house is really a perfect Christmas house.

  10. Oh so lovely. I so enjoy the traditional colors. YOur red and gold are glorious. Love all of the candles on the tree!!! Thanks so much for sharing you festively attired living room with Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  11. Hi Debbie,
    My, you do go to a lot of work! Where do you get the energy? I used to decorate every room in the house but I've had to cut back because I just don't have the energy any more. This year will be even less because I sprained my wrist a week ago. I love your carollers and angels. The churches are lovely and the hutch filled with white is gorgeous! Great job!


  12. OMG Debbie, that is a winter wonderland! What a gorgeous collection! Well I know for sure that Santa is stopping at your home!! I cannot imagin the time it takes to put that all up!!


  13. Hi Debbie! Your living room looks fantastic! I could sit in there all day and still find something new to look at or play with, lol. Merry Christmas!

  14. Debbie, I just love how you've done your living room! I just took all 3 parts of the tour; your house looks fantastic! You are amazing. What energy you must have! And what passion.
    Blessings, Beth

  15. WOW, tons of Christmas decorations! I love it!

  16. Debbie, Everything is just beautiful. Thank you for sharing this at my party. Happy Holidays.

  17. WOW!! I can't imagine all of your hard work that went into putting this all together, but it's just gorgeous! I think you have almost every inch decorated. It must have taken many years to collect all of your decorations. You did a wonderful job, it looks just beautiful! Happy New Year!

  18. I admire your love for Christmas. Thanks for sharing your beauty with all of us! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
    Love, Brenda


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