
Thursday, August 4, 2011

More Christmas Treasures!!!

Well, all I can say is that my tab at our Church Flea Market is growing.....

Feast your eyes upon this great find!!!!

A whole village of vintage Putz houses and Bottle brush trees!!!


I just love them!!

Some have rings on top so they can be used as ornaments.....

And a pack of vintage tinsel too!!!

A Sweet little manger set.....

Look at this cute salt and pepper shaker set!!

Lefton Markings on the bottom....

I am not sure what I am going to do with these or if I will keep them but I thought they were cute and wanted to show you these......

Look at these sweet faces!!

Someone took a lot of time to create these....

And these....

And for heaven's sake, aren't these sooooo cute??????

Look at those little faces!!!

Well, I have no idea where I will put all of this and I am not sure if I will be keeping all of it but I thought you would enjoy seeing some of these vintage pieces.

I am keeping all those little guys with the cute faces, for sure!!

And that village!!

I am linking up to these great parties:

Vintage Thingie Thursday

Deck the Halls Friday

Home Sweet Home Friday

Show and Tell Friday

Thrifty Thingie Friday!!

Nifty Thrifty Tuesday


Please stop by and pay a visit to those that host these awesome parties and to those who join in on the fun!!

Thanks so much for stopping by to visit me today and every day that you take to time to do so!!



  1. I love Christmas too! I really had to do a double-take when I saw your Putz Village. I have one too. I bought them as a group years ago. I don't see them often but I sure do enjoy seeing someone else collecting them.
    Beautiful posting!
    Ladybug Creek

  2. What a great assortment of vintage Christmas decorations.

  3. Debbie,
    You have found some great vintage Christmas here! I have a hard time finding icicles. They used to be dripping off of my Aunts tree! LOL Thanks for linking it up at Home Sweet Home!

  4. Gosh, what great deals!! I love the houses, they are so sweet :-). So glad to see you posting on your Christmas blog again. Blessings

  5. Hi Debbie, can I go shopping with you one day to find some of these wonderful items you keep finding? Love this blog of yours, I never get tired of visiting it. Hugs

  6. Yowsers! I didn't even realize there were Christmas blogs all year round! THANKS for sharing with Thrifty Things Friday so I could visit... love those little snow people.

  7. Fabulous! Your snow people are SO fun! I love your Christmas blog!

    Your child hood Christmas tree is precious.

  8. Oh my gosh Debbie. What wonderful finds. I an green with envy at the Putz houses and bottle brush trees. I remember my Aunt having a lot of them. She always had them sitting on her buffet.

    What wonderful memories of my childhood Christmas'.

    And the hand mad beaded ornaments are wonderful. They nare a lot of work I can attest to that having mad a few myself over the years.

    And you always get sore fingers from pushjing all the pins into the styrofoam balls.

    Hope that you are feeling better.


  9. Hi Debbie! HOHOHO I didn't know you had a Christmas blog too! Love the snowmen.

  10. These are wonderful. Never too early to start our Christmas thinking.:)
    Happy Rednesday, bj

  11. Some people think it's way too early to start thinking about Christmas, but we know better, don't we? :-)


    Come in, my dear friends, and be seated, please—
    Oh, all of you reds are such a big tease!
    Scarlet, you creep over cheeks in a blush;
    Crimson, you’re always in such a big rush!
    Cherry, you’re tasty and pleasant to see;
    Carmine, you utterly satisfy me!
    So come in, my friends, and be seated, please—
    Of all the colors, I’d rather have these!

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Little Red Shopping Bag

  12. All super cute stuff! Its nice to find your blog through Rednesday. it's too bad I didnt find you in July, I was having a "Christmas in July" give away! :) I love the little village you got.. i so want a little Christmas village but I havent been able to find one for a good deal... here's hoping I find one this year! :)


  13. Love it all , but especially the putz houses !

  14. Oh, your putz houses are so cute! Thank you so much for sharing!

  15. Wonderful finds my sweet friend. Those putz houses are fabulous! LOVE IT ALL!



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